VOLKS CENTER is an audiovisual piece by NILE KOETTING for NEXT WAVES THEATER, inspired by the history and architecture of the VOLKSBÜHNE in Berlin.
The video and sound present a simulated guided tour of the VOLKSBÜEHNE in an unknown future time. The audience will be taken to different spaces in the VOLKS CENTER: an imaginary foyer, the backstage-operation room, the canteen, etc. to explore the texture of an imaginary theater through the history of the house, its architecture, and technical conditions of unrendered time and space.

Concept, Artwork:
Nile KoettingText and script:
Miriam StoneySpecial Thanks to
Rolf KriegProduced by VOLKSBÜHNE BERLIN in collaboration with the NEMETSCHEK FOUNDATION for the Series ‘Armen Avanessian and Enemies’ at the ROTER SALON.